the basics
name katsurou iriq
alias food, suro, & petite nillefrant
age thirty
nameday fourteenth sun of the fourth astral moon
sex cis male
status engaged
race au ra • xaela
languages xaelic • ishgardian • hingan • eorzean
ailments hypoglycemia • memory loss (temporary)
voice (x)
katsu is the oyabun of yoasobi-kai and owner of kujaku smoke lounge & jinsei brews. he is also next in line to inherit the shrouded kalongs from his father henri nillefrant. a busy man who doesn't like wasting his time because he might not have much left. katsu is a singer-songwriter and a published poet. he's got some issues, but who doesn't? he's also got bodyguards; even if he seems alone...he isn't.
★recent happenings || katsu recently proposed to zamis and zamis said yes! katsu is no longer mute and has plans to travel back to tural, but first he has a few things to do deep in the steppe.

+ loyal
+ charismatic
+ warm
+ determined
-- secretive
-- judgmental
-- sassy
-- mocking
★ shamisen
★ kokyū
★ poetry
★ songwriting
★ piano
★ guitar
★ singing
★ bo staff
in the mirror
fashion katsu's fashion is usually casual to formal depending on the reason. one could find him in lovely tailored suits to form-fitting casual shirts and baggy pants. he's not so stuck up that he'll snub a baggy t-shirt, but more often than not it's designer.aesthetic clear blue skies, large clouds, and grassy fields. smoke filled rooms, six strings, and jewelry. chocolate, sweets, and savory spices and more.extra katsu is very big about self-care. he's always preening himself and has a very extensive skin, scale, and hair routine that he does very often on schedule.

skin tone deep brown
hair color light blonde
hair texture silky • layered
eye color light blue
scent vanilla • black tea • jasmine
height two-hundred cm
weight one-hundred kg
physique lithe • athletic
complexion asymmetric scales • clear skin
mental ptsd • memory repression

katsu was born in the steppes of othard. born into the borlaaq tribe meant he didn't get to know his birth mother and was raised until he was five by his aunt in the iriq tribe he was given to after he had turned one summer old.at age six, katsu found himself trailing after birth father to eorzea in a barrel of onions and only ended up finding his foster father, henri nillefrant, who raised him to be the person he is now.at age sixteen, katsu was taught the ways of yakuza from the ground up. in the hopes of making a name for himself which just meant getting his ass kicked by one high ranking raen and a very fight obsessed miqo'te. it only took four years, but katsu seemed to excel in the family he found himself in.he also happened upon [redacted] which only helped him excel further...but not in the ways he had hoped. it was years of [redacted] and [redacted] due to [redacted] which only made things take a dark turn in his life. fearful that he'd damn his soul to the hells and end up in an early grave, katsu made a change and has since been trying to curb deadly habits.he is now focused on his work and seeks to continue upholding his beliefs alongside his friends and family. just because he's nice, doesn't mean he's a good person, but just because he does 'bad' things doesn't make him a bad person...remember that two things can be correct.

♡ poppy • his shiba inu
♡ chocolate
♡ self-care
♡ seafood
♡ hearing about drama
✗ senseless cruelty
✗ voidsent
✗ taking medicine
✗ horse radish
✗ cheap alcohol
loves & hates

i ooc =/= ic • ic =/= ooc
i am not a six foot seven xaela man irl and katsu is not a five foot nine and a half nerd (shocking i know). he's a shitter and isn't very nice sometimes, please don't put that on me as a person. that's not healthy.ii do not meta game or god mod.
seriously? just don't. we've all got stories to tell, but i'm not about forcing any narratives onto anyone, so don't do that to me or my character.iii discord?
yes, i have it, but i don't give it out to people just willy nilly. i only have so much time and mental space and i have others who take priority. i'm not sorry about that. i am sorry if that upsets anyone though. :(iv erp and relationships
katsu is in a relationship and will not engage with erp with anyone outside from his partner. he is monogamous and that isn't changing. i am not willing to write a sex scene prior to his relationship just to help you get your rocks off. there's plenty of fish in the sea and this one's already hooked.v hate speech, discrimination, and fetishization isn't okay.
as a minority and member of the lgbtq+ community and being a decent human being...this just isn't okay. if you aren't okay with just being a decent person, then why are you here?
vi all narratives welcome...except
excessive angst, gore, and etc without purpose. that stuff is just boring to me. not everything has to have a point, but i don't think that stuff is fun. erp and romance rp is off the table for obvious reasons refer to rule iv. combat rp is neat, but i do like to take into account a character's skillset as it makes for a much more believable narrative over leaving things entirely up to chance.vii no perma-death or injury without my consent.
i'm not really looking to hurt my boy any more than he's already been hurt, but anything that might happens needs plotting before hand.viii say what you want upfront.
the worst i'll ever say is no. i'm such a big plot, world building, lore talking person that you can usually come up to me with most things and i'm down for it so long as it's fun!ix i play with time
personally, i jump in around and all through time when it comes to narratives. i don't go by real life time = rp time most of the time because it just doesn't make sense to me. if you aren't fluid with time, then we most likely won't get anywhere. sorry :(x dice rolls
most of the time i abide by d20s, d10s, and coin flips for katsu's reactions to various things in his life. it keeps things fresh and interesting on all fronts.
please do not interact with me or my character if you are a minor. this is your only warning.
i reserve the right to cut off any interactions or contact i am uncomfortable with.
zamis dhoro
♡ where the hell this man came from? katsu couldn't fucking tell you. honestly, it was by complete chance it felt like and it's the best luck katsu's had in what feels like a millennia. he's not sure how this large man manage to slip by so many of his walls, but he's here for it and is throwing caution to the wind. they've set a pace and katsu's practically fallen head over heels. the stars in his skies pale in comparison to zamis and he'll die on that hill.
henri nillefrant
☆ for all intents and purposes katsu's legal father. the man found katsu in a crate starving and seemingly alone. it didn't take long, but also took far too long for henri to gain little katsu's trust and took him under his wing and into his heart as the son he had always wanted. henri is one of the few people that katsu would do just about anything for.
daitou shigeyuki
☆ shige is the closest thing he'll ever get to a brother. Katsu and shige met at the grand old age of ten and have been close since day one. if time allows, they are nearly inseparable whenever they exist in the same space. katsu would kill and die for this man with no hesitation. shige is a large influence in his life especially in times that were much darker than katsu ever anticipated.
teruko no yumi
♢ yumi is the partner of shige, but also someone katsu met during another point in his life. she's a fiery and passionate young woman that gets him to listen. though, he does tend to agitate her for fun. what else is he supposed to do? he enjoys her presence and how happy she makes shige. she's also got a killer singing voice and he's happy to jam along with her when he's able.
lobelia ramone
☆ lobelia is one of katsu's closer friends. she is a very kind woman that is very humorous, gossipy, and honest. a sister figure and someone he looks up to even though he'll never admit it. lobelia is someone he'll go to for sensible advice even if he's too stubborn to listen. he doesn't regret meeting her and is happy to support her in what ways he can.
reki hideyoshi
♢ hide is the cousin of shigeyuki daitou. younger than katsu and fun to mess with. the maelstrom officer is someone katsu will defend for the sake of shige and lobelia. while Hideyoshi isn't his closest friend, he still enjoys his company by treating him like a younger brother.
noelle chevalier
☆ noelle, noelle, noelle. how does one describe noelle? another older sister figure that he cherishes so deeply. she's been a present figure in his life for as long as henri and has shown him the finer things in life. she has taught him many things in the world of business and finance. katsu is extremely grateful for her continued presence in his life.
hidaka yasashi
☆ blood brothers is what this crazy miqo'te calls katsu. one of the main forces in his life that taught him the ways of the traditional yakuza family business. yasa is someone who is ready to scrap over just about anything with katsu, but he's also someone katsu greatly respects for more reasons that just position and power. yasa is yet another voice of reason and the first person to kick katsu's ass if he needs it.
daisho takahashi
☆ taka is one of katsu's bodyguards assigned to him personally by henri. he's been with him since the beginnings of his yakuza days when henri couldn't keep an eye on katsu in the early beginning of his time in hingashi. taka is also yoasobi kai's second in command alongside mashi when katsu isn't present which is rarely, but he handles it well. katsu considers him to be an older brother and respects taka's values and methods of work.
kato mashi
☆ mashi is katsu's other personal guard. he is rarely seen in public without him somewhere nearby. he's big, but he's rather good at concealing himself. he's the muscle and will not hesitate to let someone know that. after having been cast out from his previous yakuza branch, he took up with yoasobi kai not long after having met katsu and henri. he will protect katsu with his life and will make sure no one gets away with the threat of taking it.
murakumo tai-sun
♢ tai-sun is someone that katsu saved from a corrupt fighting ring just a few years ago. Tai is ever grateful to katsu for introducing him to tsurugi murakumo who is now tai-sun's husband-to-be. tai is one of the few people trusted with his medical health as tai-sun is a very practiced and ever studying healer and chirugeon. tai is not someone katsu will ever underestimate..despite what the albino xaela says... tai-sun was born dotharli and katsu isn't unwise to what that all entails once someone prods beneath tai's shy and gentle nature.
murakumo tsurugi
♢ tsurugi, red, murakumo, and more. the list goes on. tsurugi is the fiance of tai-sun and one of katsu's rather goofy companions. while they aren't super close, katsu would still defend the large raen in most situations. tsurugi is someone that is a bulwark in katsu's mind which means he's all the better to keep around. tsurugi is definitely someone that made darker days around katsu much brighter.
thalya nadir
♢ thalya is one of katsu's military connections. she's a captain in the immortal flames. having friends in high places really does have its benefits. she runs a company called the gryphon's collective that is responsible for helping katsu out of a VERY dark time in his life. he respects thalya as both a leader, a mother, and a person. the two aren't close, but he knows he can depend on her (within reason).
teruko no hisashi
♢ hisashi is the husband of thalya and is a captain of the maelstrom. He is also the older brother of yumi and presides over Hideyoshi and other soldiers. hisashi is yet another military connection that he's a touch more hesitant to contact. the two aren't close by any means necessary, but there is a mutual respect katsu will abide by if he wants to keep his name from being dragged through the dirt.
zetta equinox
☆ zetta is yet another older sister figure to katsu. they delight in talking shit, sharing stories, and just general gossip at just about everyone and everything. katsu looks forward to their time spent together knowing that he'll be busting a gut laughing. while zetta isn't an entirely lawful and good presence on the surface, she's still someone that's proven to be there for him when he's really needed it.
adair goldheart
♢ adair or 'goldie' is certainly ... something. he's a recent friend katsu has made who seems to have both a lot and not enough going on in his life. they aren't close, but katsu does find the little hyur very amusing despite how annoying goldie can be. katsu will be his shoulder to lean on, but for the time being keeps him at an arm's length for various reasons. goldie is fun to play games with which katsu greatly enjoys.
jagahatai hotgo
♢ it's not every day katsu sees someone fight a gun and lose, but this man did just that. while katsu still has a lot to get to know about jag, he enjoys the chaotic and comedic the other holds whenever they've found time to hang out with one another. drinking is usually on the table and they might end up under it making crude jokes...it's fine.
unami himaa
♢ una is jag's partner and has alot more than meets the eye. at least that's what katsu thinks. what he knows about the una is that he's jag's voice of reason when the chaos is a bit too loud while also being a bit sassy himself. a doctor and alchemist? katsu thinks he's very sweet and sensible...at least what he knows of him. it's fine.
twigs majigs
♢ there's alot to say about twigs majigs. first, he helps katsu by supplying him with premium moko grass brownies. aside from that, there's a lot of spirit in this man. do not underestimate twigs just because he's small, katsu might fight you over him. (he absolutely would.) twigs is young, but he's not meant to be belittled. katsu has a large amount of respect for his friend...and will never forget how he ate a burger half the size twigs himself. seriously, it was...something.
jude levintus
♢ you know, katsu isn't sure how this man keeps finding him, but his company isn't unwelcome. a merc, a tracker, and someone who enjoys a good cigarette or..four. a lot about jude is unknown, but katsu enjoys shooting the shit with the hyur. he just happened upon the man in ul'dah one day and it just sort of keeps happening?? it's fine...most likely.
♢ maybe.. if you aren't a weirdo.. or something.